Adaptive Behaviour and Dextrous Action
When it comes down to it, your organisation is only as good as your teams. Be it, squads, release trains, HR or executive board team – it’s the boots on the ground that count. Inspired leadership, latest technology, AI/ML, agile – all are for nought if your teams cannot do the job on the day.
Having worked with teams from the USMC and UK SF, who typify adaptive behaviour and dextrous action (ABDA), and agility has helped identify many traits beyond the basic agile principles.
Ability to understand a dynamic situation, decisions making under stress, dealing with uncertainty, are some of the areas that make the difference between a mediocre team and a great one.
Crucially the most effective teams have aligned autonomy - they balance tactical (team backlog) and strategic (enterprise) needs, and they do so with lightweight governance – no heavyweight framework.
I enjoy working with teams to improve situation awareness (data-driven and informal), and decision-making ability with practical and lightweight critical thinking techniques. And teaching teams how to use methods like “Give and Take” to identify and remove dependencies or mitigate risk is a great way to improve agility.
Often I find I am helping teams overcome two areas agile often struggles with – engaging with the business and the reality of distributed teams.